Free-to-Stream Music for Your Online Church Services!

Your Discover Worship membership gives you the right to download and duplicate music and tracks for your local congregation. However, because we don’t control the public performance rights of songs we lease from outside publishers, Discover Worship can’t grant churches the legal right to record, stream, or broadcast those songs (sorry!). The easiest and most affordable solution is to contact CCLI regarding a blanket streaming license. Like their basic license, the price is tiered to the size of your congregation.

That said, until the national emergency has been lifted, Discover Worship is waiving the necessity of getting a streaming license for the specific titles listed below.  We invite our annual members to incorporate these songs into their online worship services. Members can click on the following links, go to the selection, download and use the demo versions of these songs for congregational worship or in lieu of a choir special. You may print the lyrics in a downloadable bulletin or use the PowerPoint or lyric assets to project on the screen as you might normally do.

Worship Music

Choral selections:

Instrumental selections: